Clock Cleaning
We offer you far more than just a basic clock cleaning service
The delicate mechanisms which make up a mechanical clock are designed to mesh together perfectly, with a strict configuration and tiny tolerances of movement for each component. A clean, well maintained clock mechanism, wound tight and functioning perfectly, can yield a special kind of satisfaction to those who appreciate mechanical systems. On the other hand, dirt, dust or debris can have an impact on the running of the whole mechanism. Over time dust mixed with oil turns into a grinding paste that causes wear, the result can be anything from a slight inaccuracy in timekeeping, to a situation resulting in permanent damage to the clock.
This is why its important to have your clock inspected periodically by a professional clock repairer .
Clock Cleaning
When you come to Tic Toc Clock Repairs for antique clock repair services, we can offer you far more than just a basic clock cleaning service. Besides a thorough clean using specialist clock movement cleaner fluid and precision tools, we can also inspect your timepiece and notify you if any further repair is needed to keep it in good working condition. If you decide to proceed, we can perform a full service and any repairs which are found to be necessary.
Associate Member of
the British Horogical
Fully Insured
Fully Equipped
Workshop to do any